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Auditable and Verifiable Transparency with Trusted Execution Environment
June 5, 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Imperial Room A
Transparency is one of the key components of building trust with the public, customers and regulators. Particularly, when discussing trustworthy and responsible AI, transparency is also a keyword that every organization emphasizes. There are multiple ways to provide transparency of a platform, e.g., open-sourcing the code of platforms to the public, and inviting third-parties to evaluate safety of AI models. However, providing transparency with a complete chain of trust that can be verified by public individuals is a challenging task. Confidential computing and its underlying technology Trusted Execution Environment provides confidentiality, integrity, and attestability properties of a platform that can unlock the potential to build auditable and verifiable transparency for AI platforms. In this talk, we will discuss some missing pieces of current transparency efforts. Then, we will introduce the potential solution to auditable and verifiable transparency using Trusted Execution Environment. Lastly, we want to discuss potential opportunities and challenges that need collaborative efforts from the community.
About the speaker
Mingshen Sun
Research Scientist, TikTok
Mingshen Sun is a Research Scientist at TikTok, leading applications and innovations of trusted and confidential computing technologies. He also serves on PPMC of the Apache Teaclave (incubating) project.