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Securely Collaborating Across Multiple Cloud Providers

June 6, 3:10 PM - 3:30 PM
Imperial Room A

Secure collaboration across teams and organizations powered by Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) helps break down silos, unlock business value, and enable previously impractical use cases. However, sensitive data or intellectual property of all collaborators is often distributed among multiple locations or cloud environments, requiring special care to interoperate. In this talk we'll show how we freed TEE from data location constraint and allowed it to work with data across multiple cloud service providers (CSPs).

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About the speakers

Rene Kolga

Rene Kolga

Product Manager, Google

Rene is a member of the Confidential Computing Product Management team at Google Cloud. Prior to Google, he worked for Symantec, Citrix, Altiris, and a number of security startups. Rene earned his Computer Science degree from Tallinn University of Technology. In his free time, he loves traveling the world, skiing, badminton, and a good documentary film.

Joshua Krstic

Joshua Krstic

Software Engineer, Google Cloud

Josh is a Software Engineer at Google, dedicated to advancing confidential computing. Previously, he worked on identity solutions at Microsoft and Citrix. Josh earned his degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Miami.

Pablo Rodriguez

Pablo Rodriguez

Technical Director, Google Cloud

Pablo Rodriguez is a Director at the Office of the CTO, Google Cloud. He is an experienced innovation leader with a background in AI, digital transformation, cloud networking, and edge computing. Prior to Google, he worked at Telefonica, Microsoft Research, Bell-Labs, and a number of startups. Pablo has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and is a published author and patent holder.